Sunday 16 November 2014

Not yet for Radiation

Wendi had a nice birthday and we appreciate all the well-wishers and thoughtful people out there.  Our door was wonderfully heart-attacked!  It was a bummer that she was to start radiation on her birthday – kinda puts a damper on the festivities.  

The Bottom Line, though, is we did not start radiation last Thursday, as planned.  We went into Homburg and they only did some kind of measurements.  They explained that they weren’t real happy with ‘the plan’ they had come up with for where to radiate and they wanted more time.  We’re not sure what all that means, except a delay.  Starting on a Friday was not recommended, so we start tomorrow, Monday, November 17th at 2pm.

We assumed that by now – two weeks post-chemo – Wendi would be feeling like mountain climbing, but she’s still dragging a little bit.  Much better than she felt a week ago for sure, but not as great as we’d hoped.  It really does take time to kick all that junk out.  She will come to all of church today for the first time in quite a while.  It will be great to all be together today!

On a brief family note, we’re proud of Alex for making the JV Basketball team for Ramstein High School.  There is no “C” team or Freshmen team, so it is pretty difficult to do and many try.  He is one of only two Froshies, so way-to-go Alex!

Kayli is mostly registered for spring semester at USU and we are looking forward to having her here for Christmas. 

Happy Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving everyone.

A variety of recent pics of the family---

Mark and Wendi sneak away to Dublin for quick trip

The men on Daddy's 2-yr anniversary in Germany

Heart-attacked on Wendi's Birthday!