Friday 20 March 2015

Cancer Free!!

20 March 2015

We are delighted to let everybody know that the CT came back with good news!  We have not heard from the doctor yet, but we sat down with a radiologist that we know from church and he went over the full report with us.  The cancerous lymph nodes under my collar bone that were too deep to take out look normal now.  The nodules in my lungs measured the same, which is what we wanted.  The nodules did not respond to chemo which means they are most likely not cancer.  The liver looks good and my spine looks good.

I feel so grateful that the harsh chemo and radiation treatments worked - it was worth the sickness and pain.  I will be taking Tamoxifen for the next 5 to 10 years which supposedly blocks the cancer regrowth.  The pill messes with my emotions and makes me sad and grouchy most of the time, but the doctor keeps saying that the benefits outweigh the side effects.  I am not sure if my family would agree!

Mark gave me my first haircut - just a little trim over my ears and in the back.  Some people say that I am 'Rocking this hair style!'  Some say that I look like Jamie Lee Curtis.  I say that I am excited to have some hair even if it is very short and grey--it's my very own and I love it!

Everyone has been so supportive!  We can feel all the love and prayers being sent our way from our friends and family and know it has helped us through this past year.  We have had so many miracles and tender mercies along the way.  I remember the first time I talked to the oncologist after we got the biopsy of the tumor back and she explained the entire treatment plan.  I thought there was no way in the world I could endure all those chemicals and radiation week after week, month after month.  But I did it and I tried to smile my way through it as much as I could.  It was a long journey, but I can now say I am in remission and it feels wonderful! Thank you all so much for loving me and supporting me--I could not have done any of it without such a wonderful support team!  Until next time...

