Monday 22 June 2015

Longest Day of the Year

It really wasn't the longest day of the year, but it was three days before that.  Wendi survived yet another surgery last Thursday.  It was the long-awaited reconstruction surgery.  They recommend to wait at least 6-months after radiation to let the skin have a better chance of recovery.  She also had her chemo port removed, which she's been anxious to have out of there.

She did really well on Thursday and Friday, but it will be a while until she's back on track.  She's been taking it easy for a few days trying to get some rest, but it's not easy when we're in the middle of a move!

We had our temporary furniture delivered this morning and our packers come on Wednesday.  Military moves are nice in that it's all taken care of, but we are surrounded by an organized mess as we sort everything out.  We'll stay here until early August before we head out to Colorado.  I'll stay another month in Germany simply to wrap up the NATO defense of eastern Europe and then I'll join the family.

A family note:  Jenna left the MTC last week, so we're anxiously waiting to hear from her in Wisconsin!

Happy Summer--

the Kirchhoefer's