Friday 31 October 2014

Done with Chemo!

On Thursday we went into Landstuhl Hospital for Wendi's last chemo treatment!  Even though she knew it was the last one, she was still dreading it.  We didn't have any parties or anything, but we probably should have.  That was a long road and we are glad it is behind us.

Next up is a visit to the radiation department of the German hospital in Homburg this Tuesday.  So far, Landstuhl has had everything we've needed, but they don't do radiation therapy.  They will do a CT of their own to check everything out, but mostly to decide where exactly to point the radiation weapon.  Her first visit to Homburg for treatment is the 12th.  Then begins a series of 25 visits, Monday through Friday for 5 weeks.  We went there for a pre-visit last week and the facility is great and the people were nice.

I'll be attaching a couple of pics from the oncology folks at Landstuhl.  They treated us very well and we appreciate their excellent care.  They were consistently patient and helpful.  Wendi came through it like a trooper, but swears she will never do it again.  Hopefully, she won't be faced with that kind of terrible choice.  The weekends are usually her worst times after her Thursday chemo's, so we'll see how she is doing today.

We watched some of the European volleyball championships this weekend and Ramstein did OK.  Not quite as fun as last year when Jenna and the team won it all.  That was so much fun.


  1. Wahoo!!!!! SO glad that it's behind you!! I really hope radiation isn't quite as rough on you, Wendi! Let us know how it's going! Love you all!

  2. It's so good to hear that you are on the home stretch, Wendi. It was great to see all of you at the wedding and you looked positively radiant and strong! Cancer picked the wrong lady to do battle with! We love you guys! McCurdys

  3. Thinking about you guys today. Happy Birthday, Wendi! Miss you!
