Friday 12 December 2014

1 Week to go

So, today marks Wendi's 20th radiation session.  With five to go, we are getting closer to being done.  She's done incredibly well!  For the first couple of weeks it was pretty straight forward.  We kept hearing how much better/easier it was than chemo.  It's all relative, I guess.  I drove her there a couple of times, then she drove herself most days of the first two weeks.

Then it hit!  Wow, she had a very difficult weekend last week.  She was really tired after Friday, the 4th, and when the weekend hit, she didn't move much off that couch.  She was exhausted, nauseous and achy all over.  When it lasted through Sunday night, we were a little worried.  We wondered if she could even go in for another session that Monday.  Turns out, she was doing a little better Monday morning, so we went in as normal.

We spoke to the doc - who has been very nice and accommodating - and they did a blood test to see if they could uncover anything.  Her numbers were a little off suggesting an infection or sickness of some kind.  She improved through Thursday or so and then plateaued.  She finished the week and is hanging in there.

Our good friends have helped with some of the driving days and have been a good support to her.  She has some great support companions here.  We're going into this weekend much better off than the last.

We are so excited to have Kayli and Jenna joining us this next week!  We hope all of the flights work out great for both of them.  What an exciting week - finish this 9 month ordeal of chemo and radiation, Kayli return from the Philippines, Jenna may show up (if she can get on a flight), a happy birthday to Derek tomorrow, and Christmas!


  1. Oh how exciting!!! I'm sorry you've had a rough couple of weeks (more like 9 months, right?!)...But I'm SO glad you are almost done and get to have your girls home for Christmas!! I bet you just can't wait! Love you guys!

  2. Hope the girls arrive safely! Let us know!
