Friday 3 April 2015

Happy Anniversary!

No April Fool's joke, we had our one-year anniversary of cancer diagnosis on Wednesday, 1 April.  Hard to look back on what a whirlwind, crazy year we endured as a family.  And, of course, what Wendi had to put up with on that long, hard road navigating the biopsy, surgery, chemo, radiation, and the sickness, frustration and depression that accompanies the journey.  We are looking forward to a better 2015!

So, we celebrated our anniversary in a city we've wanted to visit for a long time - Edinburgh, Scotland. Our good friends and neighbors, the Adams' suffered through two days of head-on Alex and Kade (not a job for the faint-hearted) and we snuck away for a few days.  Weather was a wee bit chilly, as expected, but overall, a beautiful couple of days and we had a great time.

It's now spring break for the kids and we're enjoying the time off.

Thanks, everybody!

Mark & Wendi

1 comment:

  1. Love all these pics from Scotland! You guys are the cutest couple! Glad the surgery is behind you and I hope you recover quickly! Love ya!
