Saturday 17 December 2016

Back in Colorado!!

We had a very fun day on Thursday at the Denver International Airport picking up Sis K!  It was exciting to think that she would be back in our family after such a long time away.  We're so glad she was so faithful and diligent serving the people of Wisconsin.

Derek and Jessica drove over from Utah on Tuesday so were at the airport with us.  Jenna was traveling with Elder Ipson, also from her mission and also a Colorado resident.  We met his family and chatted and waited together for our missionaries to come up the escalator.  Turns out, the trains were pretty crowded so those two walked across the bridge to the waiting area and snuck up on us from behind - very tactical move on their part, but made those first few pictures a little challenging...

Here are some pictures from our fun day.  We've taken it pretty easy since then.  We've done a few errands and mostly just sat around and talked to catch up.  She is slowly adjusting to life back home and with her family.

She has been accepted back into BYU, so we'll head over to Provo on about the 6th of January to get her set up for school.  It's great to have her home!

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