Sunday 20 December 2015

Long time no blog

It has been so long since we've written in this space.

We chose to leave Germany and return to our Colorado life over the summer.  We had been renting out our house, so the easy answer was to return to our home in Monument and jump back into our former life, as much as that is possible.

The boys are back in Lewis-Palmer schools, each a few grades higher than when we left.  Alex is at the high school and Kade at the middle school.  I have finished my re-qual training on the 757/767 and start the instructor upgrade next month.  We've spent some effort to get Wendi all dialed in with new doctors and specialists at the Academy or downtown.  She has met with her oncologist and he is very nice.  She hopes that they can have a helpful, productive, long-lasting relationship over the coming years.

Wendi's last CT scan was in October and it was clean - no changes from past scans, so that is a good sign.  She is still taking Tamoxifen, which isn't the easiest drug to be on, but supposedly has a good effect on preventing future reoccurrence of cancer growth.  She has been an absolute trooper through it all.  Despite feeling so cruddy, she is all about being the best Mom she can be (that's pretty dang good, take it from me), serves faithfully in her church calling with the 12-13 year old young women, and is the best wife a man could ask for.

We love her for her dedication and sacrifice!  Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support during this massive family trial.  We could not have done it without you!

Merry Christmas to all!!

the Kirchhoefer's

Monday 22 June 2015

Longest Day of the Year

It really wasn't the longest day of the year, but it was three days before that.  Wendi survived yet another surgery last Thursday.  It was the long-awaited reconstruction surgery.  They recommend to wait at least 6-months after radiation to let the skin have a better chance of recovery.  She also had her chemo port removed, which she's been anxious to have out of there.

She did really well on Thursday and Friday, but it will be a while until she's back on track.  She's been taking it easy for a few days trying to get some rest, but it's not easy when we're in the middle of a move!

We had our temporary furniture delivered this morning and our packers come on Wednesday.  Military moves are nice in that it's all taken care of, but we are surrounded by an organized mess as we sort everything out.  We'll stay here until early August before we head out to Colorado.  I'll stay another month in Germany simply to wrap up the NATO defense of eastern Europe and then I'll join the family.

A family note:  Jenna left the MTC last week, so we're anxiously waiting to hear from her in Wisconsin!

Happy Summer--

the Kirchhoefer's

Friday 3 April 2015

Happy Anniversary!

No April Fool's joke, we had our one-year anniversary of cancer diagnosis on Wednesday, 1 April.  Hard to look back on what a whirlwind, crazy year we endured as a family.  And, of course, what Wendi had to put up with on that long, hard road navigating the biopsy, surgery, chemo, radiation, and the sickness, frustration and depression that accompanies the journey.  We are looking forward to a better 2015!

So, we celebrated our anniversary in a city we've wanted to visit for a long time - Edinburgh, Scotland. Our good friends and neighbors, the Adams' suffered through two days of head-on Alex and Kade (not a job for the faint-hearted) and we snuck away for a few days.  Weather was a wee bit chilly, as expected, but overall, a beautiful couple of days and we had a great time.

It's now spring break for the kids and we're enjoying the time off.

Thanks, everybody!

Mark & Wendi

Friday 20 March 2015

Cancer Free!!

20 March 2015

We are delighted to let everybody know that the CT came back with good news!  We have not heard from the doctor yet, but we sat down with a radiologist that we know from church and he went over the full report with us.  The cancerous lymph nodes under my collar bone that were too deep to take out look normal now.  The nodules in my lungs measured the same, which is what we wanted.  The nodules did not respond to chemo which means they are most likely not cancer.  The liver looks good and my spine looks good.

I feel so grateful that the harsh chemo and radiation treatments worked - it was worth the sickness and pain.  I will be taking Tamoxifen for the next 5 to 10 years which supposedly blocks the cancer regrowth.  The pill messes with my emotions and makes me sad and grouchy most of the time, but the doctor keeps saying that the benefits outweigh the side effects.  I am not sure if my family would agree!

Mark gave me my first haircut - just a little trim over my ears and in the back.  Some people say that I am 'Rocking this hair style!'  Some say that I look like Jamie Lee Curtis.  I say that I am excited to have some hair even if it is very short and grey--it's my very own and I love it!

Everyone has been so supportive!  We can feel all the love and prayers being sent our way from our friends and family and know it has helped us through this past year.  We have had so many miracles and tender mercies along the way.  I remember the first time I talked to the oncologist after we got the biopsy of the tumor back and she explained the entire treatment plan.  I thought there was no way in the world I could endure all those chemicals and radiation week after week, month after month.  But I did it and I tried to smile my way through it as much as I could.  It was a long journey, but I can now say I am in remission and it feels wonderful! Thank you all so much for loving me and supporting me--I could not have done any of it without such a wonderful support team!  Until next time...



Saturday 31 January 2015

Recovering, and Phase IV begins--

OK, I know, it's been a while, but we're all busy, right?

The holidays were GREAT with Kayli and Jenna here, but of course, it passed too quickly.  Schnell vorbei.....

Wendi went home with the girls to get them started back at USU and BYU.  She was wondering if the trip might be too much, too soon and she was right.....but went anyway.  How could she not go, right?

It was a busy time getting Kayli settled in a new apartment and with a new semester.  She had most of her valuables and important documents stolen from her apartment in the Philippines, so they had to get a driver's license and things like that.  Can't hurry the DMV!  Thanks to Grandpa and the truck, they moved her stuff from Ogden to Logan and Wendi stayed an extra day or two to see Derek n Jess and others in Provo.

Since she's been back in Germany, we've had an appointment with the Oncologist.  It went well and we like this guy.  They don't recommend a CT right away to check things out.  He said we could do one in a month or so, or even wait about 6 months.  The one month wait is to allow the body to heal after being hammered by the chemo and radiation all those times.  We go back to his office in a few weeks and we'll reassess.  We have a follow-up appointment with the German radiation folks in about 10 days, so we'll see what they say.

Probably the biggest cancer news is the prescription we received at the Oncologist.  If Phase I is an operation (my terminology), Phase II is chemo, Phase III is radiation, we just entered Phase IV this week.  The pill is called "Tamoxifen" and it doesn't have a great reputation.  Phase IV lasts - recommend sitting down for this part - 10 years.  Well, kinda.  It used to be five years, but they now recommend 10.  It is some kind of hormone blocker pill, taken every day, that prevents a reoccurrence.  Most patients that Wendi has talked to have not gone the full five years, but some period of time less than that.  It has some tough side effects, different for everyone, of course.  So far this week (first pill taken on Monday) Wendi has had bouts of super tiredness, sleepiness, insomnia, 'fogginess,' low-grade headache, dizziness, stomach aches/cramps and such.  It seems to be a little better as the week has progressed, so we'll see how it goes.

We're not great at posting on the blog when there is a lot going on, so we may be even more sporadic in Ph IV as we just press on with life and do our best.  We'll try to post monthly (?) and, of course, when we have an appointment or scan or something.

We've settled in to the new semester and have had a great time at all the basketball games for Kade at Youth Sports and Alex on the Ramstein JV team.

Jenna might turn in her mission papers tomorrow!

Thanks, everyone, for your support---


Heart-attacked on last day of radiation

Winter wonderland in our town

Notre Dame

From the Trocadero

We went to the top and had a great view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe