Sunday 20 December 2015

Long time no blog

It has been so long since we've written in this space.

We chose to leave Germany and return to our Colorado life over the summer.  We had been renting out our house, so the easy answer was to return to our home in Monument and jump back into our former life, as much as that is possible.

The boys are back in Lewis-Palmer schools, each a few grades higher than when we left.  Alex is at the high school and Kade at the middle school.  I have finished my re-qual training on the 757/767 and start the instructor upgrade next month.  We've spent some effort to get Wendi all dialed in with new doctors and specialists at the Academy or downtown.  She has met with her oncologist and he is very nice.  She hopes that they can have a helpful, productive, long-lasting relationship over the coming years.

Wendi's last CT scan was in October and it was clean - no changes from past scans, so that is a good sign.  She is still taking Tamoxifen, which isn't the easiest drug to be on, but supposedly has a good effect on preventing future reoccurrence of cancer growth.  She has been an absolute trooper through it all.  Despite feeling so cruddy, she is all about being the best Mom she can be (that's pretty dang good, take it from me), serves faithfully in her church calling with the 12-13 year old young women, and is the best wife a man could ask for.

We love her for her dedication and sacrifice!  Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support during this massive family trial.  We could not have done it without you!

Merry Christmas to all!!

the Kirchhoefer's

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