Friday 1 April 2016

Happy (?) Anniversary

It's odd having Wendi's cancer diagnosis anniversary on April Fool's Day.  It's kind of a joking, jovial day, but it was all too serious two years ago.

It was just a beautiful spring day in western Europe.  Wendi had felt something strange for a couple of weeks and scheduled a mammogram/ultrasound 'just in case.'  I really wanted to be there, 'just in case,' despite Wendi's assurances that it was nothing.

Once we heard the news, we remember we were so glad that Scot Campbell, a radiologist and member of our Ramstein 1st Ward was available that day to review the ultrasound and assist in giving Wendi a blessing.

It's just amazing how one day, one minute, everything can be 'normal,' then it all changes so suddenly and so completely.  It has happened to all of us in one way or another.  Those next few months were a crazy whirlwind of appointments, surgeries, uncertainty, chemo, visits from friends and neighbors, more appointments, radiation, etc.

Now that we're settled back in Colorado, we've settle into a normal routine, but we know it will never really be normal again.

A few weeks ago, Wendi had some pain in her back - the exact location and intensity that her oncologist said to watch out for.  We had a nervous couple of weeks of scheduling more appointments, doing an MRI, and waiting for the results.  Turns out it is some degenerative areas in her spine.  Funny what our reaction is to that news, given the medical history.  Yay, Wendi's getting old!!

Wendi has stayed active throughout the ordeal and walked many a kilometer with her good friends back in Germany.  Lately, here in Monument she is involved in a Livestrong Cancer group at our YMCA.

We're excited for Kayli's wedding next month and busy making plans.  It will be great to have Wendi there feeling MUCH better than during our last wedding!

As we've said so many times in the past, we are SO grateful to our friends and family who have been such a mountain of support as we've weathered this trial.  Thank you so much for your love, your concern, your prayers, and your friendship.  We love you all for that - thank you.

Spring Break, March '16, Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument

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