Tuesday 15 April 2014


We have a date for the surgery – Friday, 25 April.  We wanted to do it sooner, but it looks like we have to wait another 10 days.  We told them we are ready for earlier if something opens up on the schedule.

We met with the plastic surgeon today and heard all the options for post-surgery.  There are quite a few options and they all stink.  We are planning on a mastectomy and she will probably do a breast reconstruction.  It takes several weeks.

We won’t meet with the oncologist for another few weeks.  After the surgery, they depend quite a bit on the pathology from the lump, so we’ll meet the oncologist after they hear back on the results.

We’re trying to be positive and full of faith, but the reality is much more difficult.  We appreciate all the love and support of family and friends.  THANK YOU.
-- Mark Kirchhoefer


  1. This blog is such a great idea. We love you guys and Wendi and your family is always in my heart and prayers!

  2. Wendi, We love you and are praying for you! Thank you for keeping us all informed about your care. I have lots of medically questions for you, but maybe we can skype soon. Lots of love-Susan G.

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  5. Jenna - Thank you for creating the blog! Nik just got an email from your Dad and forwarded to me. We have been thinking about all of you, wondering how things are going in Germany. So sorry to hear such trying news. Please know are prayers are with all of you. You are like family to us and we love you! Wendi is one of the strongest women we know. Be patient and prayerful and know our hearts and prayers are with you! McCurdys

  6. Thank you for your willingness to share your trial - thank you, Jenna, for posting these updates. We think of and pray for you always. You've given so much to so many of us; we pray that our faith may turn the key for the great Kirchhoefer family. 

    the (other) Clark family
    Greg, Amy, & sons

  7. Thanks so much for doing this blog and letting us know what's going on. I think about you every single day, and hope you are doing okay. I wish I could do something - anything - to make it us a little better, but just know our family is praying for you, and we will be fasting too on the 25. Thanks for letting us know about the date, We love you guys.

  8. Keeping you in our prayers! So glad you were able to visit Adri and Jared. They love you guys so much! Let them help if they can! Thinking, praying and loving you guys!

  9. Sending love to your family. Thinking of you often and you're in our prayers. Thanks for keeping us all updated.
