Sunday 3 August 2014

First chemo cycle complete!

This past Wednesday was my 4th and final "AC" portion of Chemo.  Let me just say that I am so grateful that I have it behind me.  I am now trying to recover from all of those chemicals and have been tied to the couch more than I would care to admit.  I start a different regimen of chemo on August 13th which is called the "T" portion every week for 12 weeks.  Most of the ladies I meet in the chemo room at the hospital who are ahead of me in this process say they have had an easier time dealing with the effects of the "T"so that is what I am hoping for too.  I go in on August 8th for another CT to see what is going on with those cancerous lymph nodes that are under my collar bone that were too deep to dig for - hopefully they have at least shrunk some by now.  They will also see what is going on with the nodules in my lungs and other concerning spots.  I won't get the report for a few days afterwords, but it does make me a little nervous.  I will post as soon as I know….

If I could only win this cancer battle on LOVE alone, I would have won by now.  From the bottom of my heart I want to thank all of you out there for your kind words, flowers, meals, service, prayers & fasting.  All of the thoughts have sustained me through this really hard time in my life. So many of my prayers have been answered by all of you!  I am also so grateful for the enabling power of the Atonement in my life.  I know that I have received strength beyond my own.  In D& C 100:12 it says, "Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end."  I have hope!
love, Wendi


  1. So happy for you to have that first cycle complete! You look so great. Love and miss you!

  2. Oh Wendi we love you so much!! I pray that the "T" treatment will be better for you! You are so strong.

  3. Hooray for finishing the first cycle!!!! You are amazing and I SO hope that this next one is not as bad. We love you! And you look super cute in the picture. ;)

  4. We are grateful there are good friends close-by who can offer continued love and support. We send ours long distance! We love you!
