Wednesday 27 August 2014


We had an absolutely unbelievable trip to the States these past few days. 

Our flights to SLC went well last week as we made the trek through Chicago and then on to Utah.  We’re so grateful to our parents in Ogden for hosting us the first night.  Friday was whirlwind of errands for the wedding on Saturday and preparations for dropping off Jenna at BYU.

I would say that the wedding day on Saturday, 23 August was just a beautiful day!  The forecast was for cold and rain, but after some showers in the early morning, it cleared out and made for a nice day to visit the Jordan River Temple and spend time with our beloved family and friends.  The sealing was beautiful, and Derek and Jessica were the picture of a happy couple.   We’re excited to have Jessica join our family.

The old Provo courthouse is a gorgeous, marble-filled building and was classy place to have a luncheon and reception.  We were simply overwhelmed by the family, friends and loved-ones who came to visit with our family.  We know that many of you traveled so very far to be there and went way out of your normal schedules to be a part of the festivities.  We are humbled by your love and support. 

Wendi held up better than any of us expected.  She had an unanticipated high energy level and was able to be a part of everything.  She looked beautiful and was an outstanding mother-of-the-groom.  I thought she might come crashing down the next day, but when it comes to being with family, she was able to draw on some kind of super-reserves and was energetic all through Tuesday.  We were blessed beyond our wildest expectations.

We were also fortunate enough to make it on our flights today and we are on our way ‘home’ to Germany.  We jump right back into the middle of school (the boys will have missed 3 days) and scouts and seminary and work, and chemo.  The summer truly is over, but we went out with a bang!

Thank you so much, again to all of you.  We love you and can’t thank you enough.  Your support sustains us daily.



  1. I love that Derek got married at the same Temple as you two were married in so long ago!! What a blessing that Wendi was able to go and enjoy her time there. You guys are amazing! Congratulations!
    Jeanie Oliphant

  2. Love all the pictures! What a great trip we had. Miss you guys!!!
