Tuesday 12 August 2014

Round 2 Tomorrow and CT Results Great--

Wendi went in today for blood work in preparation for her next chemo session tomorrow.  She is finally done with the "AC" regimen and is phasing into the "T" segment.  It is supposedly the easier drug to handle, so of course, we're hoping that holds true.

She was also able to meet one of the two new Oncology doctors.  We are right in the middle of PCS (moving) season and the Oncology docs are swapping out as well.  She really liked this new guy and is hoping to be linked up with him.  Fingers crossed.

You may know, Wendi had her second CT scan last Friday.  They wanted to scan and see what things looked like after enduring that first chemo cycle and compare it to the scan done in June.  We checked with our radiologist friend in the ward who looked at and gave us the inside scoop.  Everything looked great!  We are glad to hear the good news.  The doctor today confirmed what he had told us earlier, so we are in a good position going into the next phase.

We are sending our kids off tomorrow to sneak back to the United States of America a little early.  Wendi and I will join them next week after that chemo session and Derek gets married on the 23rd.  That's the plan anyway!….



  1. So happy the scan looked great!! Looking forward to seeing your family in Utah! :)

  2. That is good news! We look forward to seeing you on the 23rd!
