Tuesday 17 June 2014

Another Delay?

Yesterday, Wendi went to the "Westpfalz Klinikum" (the German hospital in Kaiserslautern) and did her additional CT scan.  A few weeks ago in the American hospital, she was given the fancy 'contrast/dye' ahead of time.  She drank it at home, then went to the hospital, they scanned her for about 20 minutes total, then she was done.  At the Westpfalz Klinikum, she arrived in the morning and drank the magic potion there, and then waited the requisite 2 hours or so before the scan could begin.  She 'fessed up to getting a rash on her leg after the previous CT scan, which was a mistake, just so you know if you're ever in a hurry.  This caused a bit of a stir and she had to take some kind of additional medication which would prevent her from driving.  Since the last CT scan had been so quick, I didn't go this time.  So, she called me and I went down there to give her a ride home.

It really turned into an all-day adventure at the hospital.  It did seem like there were a lot people in there just waiting around in the hallways.  The CT area was kinda backed up with a few gurney's lined up outside with older patients hanging around waiting for something.  We felt bad for all those folks!  It allows us to appreciate the American hospital and the care we've received there.  We really have run into some wonderful people at Landstuhl and they have done a great job busting all those stereotypes of 'military medicine.'

The plan was to meet with Professor Doctor Link this afternoon and hear the results of the CT scan and he would triumphantly declare that we should continue on schedule and start chemo tomorrow, Wednesday.  Well, we arrived at 1330 and the receptionist seemed surprised to see us.  We reminded her that Dr. Lind did want to see us and we were hoping to get the CT results.  After a bit of shuffling, we learned that the CT results are not ready yet.  Dang it!  They said maybe later today, but asked if we could come in tomorrow morning.  The answer from us was "no, we won't come back tomorrow.  We are going to Landstuhl to start chemo."  They claimed that they would get the results in the morning and call us with a telephone report.  Also, they could fax the results to Landstuhl.  We left disappointed and called right away to Landstuhl oncology.  They really want to wait until the results are back before starting chemo.  It's frustrating, but looks like we'll be waiting again....

We might get everything back in the morning, then head down to Landstuhl and get started, but we're skeptical.  They do have a slot for us on Thursday if we get the go-ahead, but not in time to start tomorrow.  Again, I need to say that we're not that excited to start poison treatments, but we feel like we need to start something.  This all assumes the results are 'normal,' or at least not significantly different from the previous scan.  If an issue pops up, it could all change again.

Waiting around is really frustrating.

But, we're keeping busy.  I'm the new YM 2nd Counselor and we had a productive scout activity tonight helping Alex with his Eagle Project.  We went to the base laundromat and washed all the clothes that we've picked up from the local school lost and founds.  They were actually quite helpful.

I'll try to provide an update tomorrow as well on whatever happens with the scan....

Mark K.

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating! Hopefully they will get this resolved soon so you can move forward with the treatment. We love and miss you guys!
