Thursday 19 June 2014


Once we got home yesterday, Wendi wasn't feeling too bad.  She made a few phone calls and we had a fairly normal evening.  Then, she got pregnant --  or at least she felt pregnant....

Wendi's perennial April Fool's joke for many years was "I'm pregnant!"  Well, this year on April 1st, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  We didn't feel like joking much after that.

So, later in the evening she started feeling queasy, bloated and nauseous.  She felt like vomiting, but never got to that point.  She didn't really feel like eating anything and nothing sounded good anyway.  We both are having flashbacks to pregnancy days!  She climbed up into bed and was unsure of what the night would bring.  She managed to get some sleep, though, and felt a little better this morning.  That's just like the pregnancy days as well - felt "OK" in the morning and slowly got worse as the day wore on.

She's done OK today.  Moving slowly and spent some time reading.  I have to give her a shot this evening.  We're hoping it will get better over the course of the next few days.

This first round is every two weeks for eight weeks, so next visit is 2 July.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the updates. We are so faraway and feel so helpless. Give Wendi (and all your family) hugs from us. Hoping she feels better as it goes along. I think it was always worse for Michael at the beginning of new treatments.
