Thursday 26 June 2014

Should be on a Cruise....

Wendi's gone one full week now as chemo patient.  As reported earlier, she 
survived day-1 and 2 pretty well, overall.  It has been a struggle since then 
with nausea, dizziness, stomach ache, mouth sores, etc.  Not able to sleep well either.  
The nausea hasn't progressed to the point of an actual bathroom visit (similar to her 
pregnancies), but it must be miserable to feel like that all the time.

At times, it seemed like she was about to 'turn the corner' and start to feel 
better, but then she'd slow down again.  She tires more easily, so after doing 
much of anything, she needs to take a break and rest.  Not easy to keep this one 
down, though.  She wants to be contributing and helping and serving.

We've had a quieter house this week with Jenna serving a 'mini-mission' in 
Wiesbaden and Alex on a cruise with our friends the Adams.'  It's the cruise to 
the Baltics we were all going on until our summer schedule came crashing down, 
unfortunately.   We think he's in Stockholm right now....  So, Kade is at home 
'taking care' of his Mom and doing a great job (most of the time....).

Since each successive visit for chemo is supposed to get worse, we had hoped to 
sneak away today on what will probably be our last trip.  But, Wendi was running 
a bit of a fever last night and was feeling pretty lousy, so we are delaying a 
day or so and we'll see what happens.  That will likely define our next few 
months - take it one day at a time.

Mark K.


  1. Man, I'm so sorry that your family is going through all this. Love you guys and and we pray for you everyday!

  2. Kade is such a cute kid! Glad he is there to 'help out' ;). I'm reading this a bit late so I know you were able to get away. Glad it finally let up for Wendi a little. We are praying for you everyday, as well.

  3. You guys are always in our prayers, I wish you were in Colorado or we were there to help out more! Love, Heers
