Wednesday 18 June 2014

Chemo 101

Professor Doctor Link called Wendi just after 0800 this morning.  He said that the CT scan looked clean!  It has some spots that could be blood vessels or small growths of some kind, but supposedly, we all have those types of things.  They were just being justifiably cautious because of Wendi's diagnosis.  We will have another CT in about 3 months for comparison.  Dr. Link planned to contact the Landstuhl oncology department and get the results to them as well.

Wendi called oncology and they said to 'come on down.'  So we are here now learning more about the process and Wendi is about to be administered the first round of 'AC' (the chemo cocktail...).

Everyone here has been very nice and supportive, including my office.  They have been very understanding and have allowed me a LOT of leeway to handle whatever I need to do for Wendi.  It is very much appreciated.

Here she is.  Thanks everyone.


  1. So glad you were finally able to get the ball rolling! Now lets get you through this next step! PLEASE call me whenever you need ANYTHING! You look great, by the way :). Love you, Wendi!

  2. Sweetest girl ever and beautiful smile as always...you hang in there cutie!!!!
    We're all praying for a speedy recovery!!!

