Saturday 10 May 2014

More hospital visits--

So, I know the best route to the hospital from our house and from  the base.  I know how to route around the construction on A62.  By now I know all the good parking spots at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, which lot is closest to the OR, the surgery office and oncology.

Now you can add the 'Ear, Nose and Throat' office to my hospital knowledge base.  Alex had his tonsils out on Thursday and is doing a lot of laying around, watching movies and talking very softly!  He hasn't bounced the basketball now for 48 hours, which is also a nice side benefit.

I know this is not cancer-related, but it is hospital-related and comes with a great pic--

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Alex is such a handsome guy! Hope is throat is starting to feel better. Eat lots of ice cream and popsicles for me!
