Friday 2 May 2014


It has been 1 week since the surgery.  Wendi has had a slow week of much sitting, laying and resting.  She's not used to doing that....  I was here all week to get everyone off to school and then keep the train rolling along in the afternoons and evenings.  She is still taking some of the pain meds, but is slowly feeling better.

She left the house for the first time today since last week.  We had appointments with both doctors today for a post-op visit and were hoping to get Wendi's drains removed.

The Plastic Surgeon was first.  The surgery went well and the incisions are healing nicely.  Turns out, only one of the drains has slowed enough to be taken out, so we will still be dealing with that for a few days.  He wants to meet with us weekly for about the next 2 months.

The General Surgeon had heard back from Pathology and the full results are in.  Unfortunately, he didn't have good news for us.  He removed 39 lymph nodes and 19 of them were positive for cancer.  That's a high number and bumps the diagnosis up to Stage 3c cancer.  We were really hoping to not have to endure radiation, but that is a recommended part of the treatment for this stage.  He has a referral in to the Oncology department, so we should meet with them in the next 2 weeks.

No other treatments will occur until she is healed from the surgery, so we have 3 or 4 weeks until we start the next steps in the process.

Our ward family, our neighbors, and my work have been great in their support.  Thanks again for your prayers and your concern.

Mark K.


  1. So sorry to hear that. Love you guys so much.

  2. Sorry to hear. We hope she heals quickly and feels better before the next step. We love you all.

  3. Thinking of you guys every day! Let Adri come help if you need her! I know she would do anything for you guys!
