Sunday 11 May 2014

Ode to Momma K.

Shout out to all you amazing moms out there!  I hope that you are feeling loved, appreciated, and blessed for your efforts on this special Mother's Day.  I am amazed every day by the incredible women I have come in contact with in my life, and I hope you all know the enormous impact you have on the world around you.  However, today there is one mother in particular I would like to take a moment to recognize.
I'll admit, Mother's Day this year has hit a little closer to home than usual with my mom being sick.  Our family's experience with breast cancer has definitely made me realize more and more how special my mom is.
My mom is, without question, my best friend on earth. The funny thing is that she and I are total opposites in so many ways.  She's an undeniable people person and will talk to anyone about anything under the sun; on the other hand, I'm usually not the first to begin a conversation. But I never doubt that to my mom, I can say anything. She's the best listener! Just the other night we stayed up until almost three in the morning just talking. She's always there for me, but the amazing thing is that she's always there for everyone! She can always make the people around her feel comfortable and she is so gifted at welcoming others into her life.
Because my mom and I are so different, she has been able to teach me how to look at life with a whole different perspective. Mom is service-oriented and always looks for ways to fulfill her church callings, and always looks out for the underdog. Through her example I'm learning to be a better version of myself. I hope someday I can say I'm more like her.
Truly, my mom is amazing! I don't say it enough and my words will never do her justice. Happy Mother's Day Mom! Never forget how amazing you are! So many people are cheering for you :)
With Love,
Jenna Kirchhoefer                                                                        

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, your sweet words made me tear up! I know that you have been such a supportive, sweet daughter through all of this! Loves to you all.
