Saturday 10 May 2014

Not a Hospital Record you want to hold….

We met with our general surgeon yesterday to schedule a time for another surgery.  Oh boy.  Wendi gets a chemo port just below her right shoulder.  It sits under the skin and connects to a vein with direct access to her heart (she has a great heart, by the way!).  The idea is to let her continue to heal from the first surgery, but get the port in with enough time to heal by chemo day.  Surgery scheduled for next Friday, the 16th.

While there the good doctor told us Wendi holds a personal record and what could very well be a hospital record too - his removal of 39 lymph nodes was a personal best!  What a feeling!….

We also called Oncology and have our first appointment there next Thursday, the 15th.  This will be a very informative appointment to meet the Oncologist and get a better idea of what the next few months will look like.  We'll find out the regimen that they have paired up to Wendi's specific cancer.  The general surgeon gave us a sneak peak:  we'll probably start chemo in 4 weeks, it might go through August or so, then do radiation after that.  We'll know much more next week and will pass it on.

Mark K.


  1. Love ya guys! Hope that appt goes well. Tell Wendi to get some good rest.

  2. Sounds like you are getting good care. We are happy for that so far away from home! You are all in our thoughts and prayers!
